

信誉最好的网投平台排名是一个位于郊区的住宿校园. Parking on campus is limited; permits are required in most lots. 在区内街道停车时,请遵守张贴的停车规则.


WLC访客停车场位于 前圆 (8800 W. Bluemound Rd.)和在 康乐综合地面地段 (8725 W. 威斯康辛州大街.). Visitors should either park in their designated reserved parking spot on the 前圆 or obtain a visitor parking permit from the front-desk receptionist in the Greenfield Administration Building, 公共安全办事处(康乐中心下层), 或者拨打414公共安全电话.443.8500.

Visitors may also use street parking; please follow the posted parking regulations.

正常营业时间, please see the front-desk receptionist in the Greenfield Administration Building if you need specific directions on campus or check the 校园地图.

对于校园里的一些特殊活动 停车中心 (8701 W. 威斯康辛州大街.)可能会开放供访客泊车.

Campus visitors who park legally but receive a parking citation from WLC should immediately present the citation to the 教师/工作人员 member or WLC student they were visiting. 的 教师/工作人员 member or student will forward the citation with an explanation to Public Safety.


2024-2025年返校本科生网上停车许可申请 将在2024年4月的住房抽签之后提供吗.

2023-2024年返校本科生网上停车许可申请 于2023年5月1日开放. 应用, complete the application and upload a PDF or JPG file of your vehicle registration as well as other documentation; see the 常驻学生资格类别 下面列出的.

在2023年6月30日之前,归国学生将根据学龄获得优先权. 2023年6月30日以后申请停车的归国留学生将不被优先考虑. 停车许可证将在收到申请后发给. All students (new and returning) will be notified of their parking permit status starting in mid-July 2023.

请注意 大多数新生将没有资格停车,但情有可原的情况除外. WLC的新生(新生和转学生)可以从7月1日开始申请停车, 2023.



  • 停车分配是根据所发许可证的类型来指定的.
  • 的 Trinity Office Manager may modify the lot assignments each term as space availability dictates.
  • 许可证可以购买整个学年或学期.
  • 所有停车许可证费用都将记入WLC学生账户. 学生在申请许可证时不需要支付任何费用. 费用列在下面的标签中.
  • Revocation of a parking permit for violations of the parking policy will not entitle the student to a refund of the permit cost.
  • Students with a history of violating the WLC parking policy may have their current and/or future parking privileges revoked.
  • Falsifying information on the permit application will automatically result in denial or revocation of the permit.
  • 当所有泊车位分配完毕后,将不再签发许可证.



居民停车许可证将根据以下标准发放. 它们按重要性从一(1)到五(5)进行排序。. 在网上申请停车许可证时, be prepared to upload a PDF or JPG file of supporting documentation for the category below that applies to you.


  1. 医疗原因: 将根据需要签发医疗许可证. Application for a 医疗 permit requires a letter on official stationery signed by the attending physician explaining the disability and length of time a permit will be needed. Final approval of all 医疗 qualifications lies with the Director of Student Support and Disability Services.
  2. 学历: 根据此标准提出的申请将基于对学术需求的验证. 例如:带公司确认函的实习,诊所等. 
  3. 就业: 学生必须在学年期间在校外就业. 你将被要求提供一份你的 最近的工资单 核实目前的工作和工作时数. 如果最近的工资单没有显示典型的工作时间, 需要您的直接主管的信来核实这些信誉最好的网投平台排名. 在大多数情况下, 大一新生将被要求在校园内工作,并且没有资格获得工作许可.
  4. 阶级的地位:班级状况(高年级学生高于低年级学生等).)会在分配停车许可证时考虑. 
  5. 距离: Priority will be provided within above criteria based on the distance between a student's home residence and the 威斯康辛州路德 College campus (the greater the distance, 优先级越高). 距离将根据车辆登记上的地址计算. 如果车辆登记没有显示当前地址, 学生必须提交其他可用作当前地址证明的文件.